Listed Company Information

MENGNIU DAIRY<02319> - Results Announcement

China Mengniu Dairy Company Limited announced on 10/04/2006:
(stock code: 02319 )
Year end date: 31/12/2005
Currency: RMB
Auditors' Report: Unqualified

                                                        (Audited   )
                                     (Audited   )       Last
                                     Current            Corresponding
                                     Period             Period
                                     from 01/01/2005    from 01/01/2004
                                     to 31/12/2005      to 31/12/2004
                               Note  ('000      )       ('000      )
Turnover                           : 10,824,950         7,213,827         
Profit/(Loss) from Operations      : 651,488            439,618           
Finance cost                    2  : (31,058)           (29,086)          
Share of Profit/(Loss) of 
  Associates                    3  : (3,295)            21                
Share of Profit/(Loss) of
  Jointly Controlled Entities      : N/A                N/A               
Profit/(Loss) after Tax & MI       : 456,847            319,393           
% Change over Last Period          : +43       %
EPS/(LPS)-Basic (in dollars)    1  : 0.365              0.357             
         -Diluted (in dollars)  1  : 0.334              0.285             
Extraordinary (ETD) Gain/(Loss)    : N/A                N/A               
Profit/(Loss) after ETD Items      : 456,847            319,393           
Final Dividend                     : RMB 0.0686         RMB 0.0585
  per Share                                              
(Specify if with other             : N/A                N/A
B/C Dates for 
  Final Dividend                   : 20/06/2006         to 23/06/2006 bdi.
Payable Date                       : 17/07/2006
B/C Dates for Annual         
  General Meeting                  : 20/06/2006         to 23/06/2006 bdi.
Other Distribution for             : N/A
  Current Period                     
B/C Dates for Other 
  Distribution                     : N/A   

1.      Earnings per share

The calculation of basic earnings per share for the year is based on the 
net profit for the year attributable to ordinary equity holders of the 
Company of RMB456,847,000 (2004: RMB319,393,000) and the weighted average 
number of 1,251,129,000 (2004: 893,965,000) ordinary shares in issue 
during the year.

The weighted average number of shares used to calculate the basic earnings 
per share for the year ended 31 December 2005 includes approximately 257,
891,000 ordinary shares issued upon conversion of the convertible 
instrument on 16 June 2005.  The weighted average number of shares used to 
calculate the basic earnings per share for the year ended 31 December 2004 
included 250,000,000 ordinary shares issued upon the listing of the 
Company's shares on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited on 10 June 
2004 and approximately 110,525,000 ordinary shares issued upon conversion 
of the convertible instrument on 20 December 2004.  

The calculation of diluted earnings per share is based on the net profit 
for the year attributable to ordinary equity holders of the Company of 
RMB456,847,000 (2004: RMB319,393,000) and the weighted average number of 
approximately 1,368,416,000 (2004: 1,118,851,000) ordinary shares in issue 
during the year, being the weighted average number of ordinary shares 
outstanding during the year, adjusted for the effects of dilutive 
potential ordinary shares outstanding during the year.

A reconciliation of the weighted average number of shares used in 
calculating the basic and diluted earnings per share amounts is as 

                                        2005            2004
                                        Number of       Number of
                                        shares          shares
                                        '000            '000
Weighted average number of ordinary shares for the purpose of the basic 
earnings per share calculation          1,251,129       893,965

Weighted average number of ordinary shares, assumed to be issued at the 
conversion of convertible instrument at the beginning of the year               
                                        117,287         224,886
Weighted average number of ordinary shares for the purpose of the diluted 
earnings per share calculation          1,368,416       1,118,851

2.      Finance costs shown above are net of interest income amounting to 
approximately RMB12,898,000 (2004: RMB10,346,000).

3.      As a result of the revision of IAS 1 "Presentation of Financial 
Statements", the Group's share of tax attributable to associates for the 
year ended 31 December 2004 of approximately RMB11,000 was included in the 
consolidated income statement as the Group's share of profits of 
associates instead of the income tax expense.